工作城市: 山东青岛 医院类型: 外资 招聘人数:1
职称要求: 副高级职称 专业要求: 妇产科综合 学历要求: 本科
性别要求: 不限 从业年限: 10年以上 年薪范围: 面议
职位类型: 全职 职位编号:MCJD201701136214


<br /> 工作职责:<br /> <br /> 1.提供书面报告,向MAB(医学咨询委员会)提供有关病人护理评估和监测(如同行评议案例)等活动的书面总结报告;<br /> 2.管理部门服务,为部门服务制定计划和程序,统筹医生、护士和医疗技师的工作安排,从数量、种类等方面为设备的供应提供建议;<br /> 3.提供有效建议,为医院、部门医疗质量的改善和其它MAB可能涉及到的问题提供意见;<br /> 4.制定发展规划,与CMO和其委员会下的其它机构展开以下合作:<br /> (1)病人护理评估;<br /> (2)部门增长;<br /> (3)提高部门医疗水平;<br /> (4)临床实践的持续监控;<br /> (5)资格审查;<br /> (6)医疗教育;<br /> (7)效用回顾。<br /> 5.作为MAB的一员,提出对医院医疗政策和自己部门有建设性意义的建议;<br /> 6.对部门内的临床和提供服务的医生进行持续的监控,并定期对CMO、MAB进行报告,以提升委员会的质量;<br /> 7.对MAB和CMO的临床和提供服务的医生提出调整性的意见和建议;<br /> 8.制定和任命部门委员会内的成员;<br /> 9.完善医务人员相关的制度规则和法规政策;<br /> 10.执行MAB和其它委员会的相关决定;<br /> 11.参与部门管理的各个环节,包括配合护理服务和其它影响病人护理的事项,如人员、物资、专门法规、技术等方面;<br /> 12.协助有关部门编制季度报告,包括预算报告和MAB、医院董事会等其它委员会要求的报告等;<br /> 13.统筹医护人员招聘(协助CMO和人力资源部);<br /> 14.履行来自于CMO、MAB和其它管理机构的要求的职责。<br /> <br /> 任职资格:<br /> <br /> 1.在妇产科拥有资格委员会的认证或通过同等学历的考核:<br /> 2.教育或经验要求:拥有被认可医学院的医学博士学位(或同等学历);<br /> 3.拥有至少3年妇产科住院医师培训经验并得到首席医疗官认可;<br /> 4.至少拥有3-5年临床管理工作经验者优先;<br /> 5.语言要求:中文表达能力优秀,英文流利者优先;<br /> <br /> <br /> PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES :<br /> <br /> • Submit written reports to the MAB (Medical Advisory Board) concerningthe findings of the department's patient care evaluation and monitoringactivities (e.g., Peer Review cases) and any resulting actions; <br /> • Manages department services. Formulates plans and procedures for thedepartment services. Schedules operations and assigns doctors, nurses,and medical technicians. Advises on kind and quantity of supplies andequipment. <br /> • Make recommendations for maintaining and improving the quality of careprovided in the department and the hospital, and any other matters theMAB considers appropriate for reports; <br /> • Develop and implement departmental programs, in cooperation with theCMO and other committees as assigned by the CMO for: <br /> 1. Evaluation of patient care, <br /> 2. Growth of the department, <br /> 3. Increasing complexity and advancing the level of medical careprovided by the department, <br /> 4. Ongoing monitoring of clinical practice, <br /> 5. Credentials and privileges review, <br /> 6. Medical education, <br /> 7. Utilization review; <br /> • As a member of the MAB, provide input on medical policies of thehospital, and make specific recommendations regarding her or his owndepartment; <br /> • Continuously review the performance of all physicians with clinicalprivileges and specified services in the department, and regularlyreport the findings of such reviews to CMO, the MAB, and the qualityimprovement committee; <br /> • Transmit recommendations concerning clinical privileges, specifiedservices, or corrective action with respect to physicians in thedepartment to the MAB and the CMO; <br /> • Appoint and designate chairs for any intradepartmental committees thatare necessary for conducting department functions; <br /> • Enforce medical staff bylaws, rules, regulations, and policies withinthe department, and initiate investigations of clinical performance ororder consultations, when necessary; <br /> • Implement any actions taken by the MAB and/or the board within thedepartment; <br /> • Participate in every phase of administration in the department, suchas cooperating with nursing services and administration in mattersaffecting patient care, including personnel, supplies, specialregulations, standing orders, and techniques; <br /> • Assist in the preparation of quarterly reports pertaining to thedepartment, including budgetary planning reports, as required by theMAB, the General Manager of the hospital, or the board; <br /> • Act as the lead (with assistance of the CMO and the Human Resourcesdepartment) in medical staff recruiting; <br /> • Perform any other duties as may be requested by the CMO, the MAB, orthe Governing Body <br /> <br /> QUALIFICATIONS :<br /> Board Certified (or equivalent) in one of the departments: OBGYN <br /> EDUCATION and/or EXPERIENCE <br /> Doctor of medicine degree (or equivalent) from an approved school ofmedicine <br /> Minimum three years of residency training in OBGYN at a hospital andprogram acceptable to the Chief Medical Officer <br /> Minimum 3-5 years experience at an clinical administrative levelpreferred <br /> LANGUAGE SKILLS <br /> Fluency in Chinese is required. Fluency in English is a plus.<br />


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