

  • 工作城市:南京市



  • 企业性质:其他



  • 招聘人数:1




(a) Organization structure 组 织 机 构
(Please attached an updated organization chart of your team 请 附 上 你 所 属团 队 的结 构 图)
Depending on specific team structure
- Functionally reports to 功 能 汇 报
(Please specify position title 请 注 明 职 位 名 称)
Depending on specific team structure
- Operationally reports to 运 作 汇 报
Depending on specific team structure
(b) Key working relationships 主 要 工 作 关 系
- Internal contacts within AZ 内 部 联 系 Other Medical affairs functionCommercial (i.e., Sales, Marketing…) Evidence Generation
Market Access
- External contacts with organizations outside AZ 外 界 联 系
Health Care Professionals
Study Investigators
Payer Customers and Policy Makers
(c) Job requirements
Academic / Professional qualification
• Master advanced degree in clinical / life science qualification or 2+year on relevant experience of medical affairs in pharmaceutical company
• Bachelor degree with strong medical background or 4+ year relevantexperience of medical affairs in pharmaceutical company
Technical / skill
• Knowledge and experience of the pharmaceutical industry and the areaof field medical liaisons
• Ability to interact and manage a range of stakeholders bothinternally and externally
• Knowledge of legislation relevant to pharmaceutical sales and marketing
• Self-management and execution ability
Understanding of multiple aspects within Medical Liaisons
Experience in training/ consulting
Language ability 语 言 能 力
Fluent in spoken/ written English
Computer literacy 电 脑 知 识
Fluent Microsoft Office operation skills
Role and Responsibility
Objectives Critical actions Measurements
External Medical & Scientific engagement
Build, enhance and
maintain the engagement with scientific leader • 60% of time in fieldengaging HCPs and external stakeholders across territory and brands
• Proactively identify HCPs with high levels of scientific expertise inlocal treatment practice to collaborate on specific medical marketing activities
• Development and implementation of KEE engagement plan incollaboration with line manager. Review with line manager this plan
every quarter, develop KEE visit plan- this includes pre callvisit/engagement plan with clear objective of the visit, key pointsdiscussion for
the visit, data to be shared and discussed with
the KEE
• Develop own scientific knowledge for discussion on all aspects of thedata to be shared with KEE in a scientific, objective and balanced way through
1:1 discussions. Prepare for such interactions
with peer group discussions. Respond to unsolicited requests forinformation about unapproved AZ products or unapproved uses of approvedproducts, presenting such information in an objective, scientificallybalanced, substantiated manner. Develop database of Key external expertsand also provide recommendations for advisory board participation Quantity
• 60% of available time spent meeting KEEs. (Available time = totaldays minus holiday



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